Friday, December 5, 2008

breaking the limit

Did you know that I actually read Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novel in just 7 hours? I am not bragging,ok? I just feel proud of myself. I know that I can read more than a hundred words per minute but I didn't think I can reach my deadline. Coz you see, I borrowed the book at around 5PM last Monday and I told my classmate that I'm going to return it to her at 8:30 that following day. And I did! (huge smile)

over and done!

Remember the "report" I was talking about a couple of posts ago? Well, it materialized this morning. I was late for a minute or two and I was supposed to be the first reporter. I know what you're probably thinking, "Always the unreliable trexie". But hey I pulled it off! Or i hope so. (--,)

C'mon it's not easy being the fore-runner. You have to pave the way so it'll be smoother for your group mates. Being the first reporter puts you in a make or break situation. You become more or less the sacrificial lamb.

I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed until the end of our report.