Thursday, July 7, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Chapter 3 - Forever With You
It was the sunlight streaming through the window that awakened Michelle. “Good morning sunshine”, she softly whispered to herself as she stretched.
When she turned her head to the bed beside hers, she saw her friend Nikole still sleeping soundly. God knows what time she came in last night. She herself had immediately fallen asleep after only a couple of minutes. Anyway, she was glad Nikole had a good time. She really appreciated the fact that it was Nikole who arranged everything so that she can take the time off from her work. And on top of that, her friend came with her on the trip too all because Nikole was worried about her. And that thought put a genuine smile on her lips.
Deciding to make the most out of the vacation she has, she tiptoed to their shared bathroom and got ready to face the world. She suddenly felt positive, and then she knew that she was on her way to recovery. And just by knowing that gave her a sense of exhilaration. Nikole was still asleep even after Michelle showered so she decided to leave a note and go outside.
Went out to eat breakfast. Will explore the culture afterwards. Don’t expect me anytime soon.
Michelle found a restaurant almost a block from the cottage that they were renting. She quickly found a seat that faces the beach on the patio of the said restaurant, and ordered some pancakes with fresh orange juice.
She is a sucker for sweets while the only sweets that Nikole can digest are chocolates. Sometimes she even wonders how in the world they’ve become friends. She usually has a sunny disposition while Nikole, when provoked, can become a modern Amazon warrior. Nikole liked salty and fatty foods while she loves sweets and prefer a balance of flavors on her meal.
Yannick knew that he should be sleeping because he didn’t have an ounce of sleep the night before but he was very excited with his “mission” that he couldn’t stay still. And as he stood on his hotel room’s balcony he saw a figure that made his heart go into overdrive. Only one person has made him feel like that.
“Well, hello there Bambi Eyes,” he softly murmured.
And like a bolt of lightning, he tore out of his room and into the beach. He felt slightly anxious just as je reached the lobby of the hotel because he might be too late to find the out just where his “Bambi Eyes” had gone but he immediately spotted her walking towards a restaurant.
Yannick stayed stayed at a distance so as not to arouse suspicion from the girl. God knows the last thing he needs is the girl thinking that he’s another weirdo who’s following her around. He waited until the girl was seated and was already waiting for her food to be served before he stood in a corner at the restaurant and drank the sight of her. Approaching her was not part of the plan. Hell! He didn’t even have any plan to start with. That’s why he was also surprised when he found himself walking towards the table where she’s seating.
While waiting for her breakfast order to arrive, Michelle busied with herself with comparing Nikole’s and her other difference preferences. After a few minutes, she felt somebody standing on her right side. She slowly lifted her gaze to look at the person who was standing beside her. And what greeted her was this guy who had an “I’m lost” expression suspended on his face.
Being the good soul that she is, Michelle asked, “May I help you?”
“Uh… Yes! Actually I just want to ask if I can share your table.” Yannick was very surprised that he can even speak coherently when just one look from the girl had all his insides jumbled.
“Huh?” was all Michelle could do to respond. With an enormous effort, she took her eyes from the guy who’s standing at her side and surveyed the restaurant. Indeed it was already slowly getting filled with people who also want to take their breakfast.
“Most of the tables are already occupied by families and I don’t feel right about sharing their table. Not to mention the fact that it’ll be very awkward to me and to the family as well,” Yannick immediately said in defense when he saw that the hesitation in the girl’s eyes.
Michelle saw that the stranger had a point and besides she was just alone at the table, and what harm can sharing a table do? They were in broad daylight, surely the guy doesn’t mean her any harm. And of course she can always scream should the gorgeous stranger do anything offensive to her. So with a shrug, Michelle motioned for the guy to sit right across her.
Yannick didn’t even know he was holding his breath until the girl indicated that he can take the seat right across her. He knew he was testing the waters more but he mustered all the courage he has and said “Uhh… Do you mind if I just sit here,” indicating the side of the table on the left side of the girl. “That way, I won’t get in the way of your view,” saying the last sentence with a crooked grin.
“Yeah, sure! Suit yourself,” Michelle answered rather immediately. She didn’t know what else to respond when the stranger who’ now sitting beside her looks so devilishly handsome.
Once the stranger was seated, Michelle let her imagine roan free again. And was quite surprised by herself because that was the first thing that Nikole does while passing the time. She went back to comparing their difference and almost opposite personalities and characteristics.
Yannick couldn’t help but look at the girl who is now seated beside him. And what amazed him more was the play of emotions on her face. One minute he saw her eyebrows knitted together as if she was concentrating on something and the next minute the girl’s face showed an amused expression. He knew he looked liked a psycho looking at the girl with such interest so he decided to introduce himself.
He cleared this throat first—more to settle his nerves than to catch the girl’s attention. Nonetheless it still caught Michelle’s attention which made her look at him.
“Hi I’m Yannick,” he started, praying that the girl will pick up his intent. When he saw that she might ignore him, he hastily added “It’s only appropriate that I introduce myself to since we’re sharing tables.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. My name’s Michelle,” and shook Yannick’s outstretched hand. She actually wasn’t planning to get friendly to anybody much less a guy but she didn’t want to embarrass the guy now sharing her table, so she met him halfway so to speak and introduced herself also.
“Michelle,” he repeated as if testing how the name will feel on his lips. And he must admit that he liked the way her name slid on his tongue as if it was the one name that he will never get tired of uttering all his life.
One the other end, Michelle felt some kind of electric current pass through her body when Yannick said her name. She doesn’t want to put a name to it because she just met he guy, nevertheless there’s no denying the feeling.
“So why are you here?” Yannick tried to start some sort of conversation with Michelle. Now that he’s sharing a table with her, there’s no way in heaven or hell that he’s going to let this kind of opportunity go.
He was rewarded when Michelle answered, “I’m here to de-stress and get rid of all the toxins in my body. How about you? What brought you here?”
“Well, I just wanna relax and unwind. You know, have a change of scenery.”
“Hmm… Makes sense since Boracay has something to offer to everybody.”
Yannick was about to say something else but he was interrupted when the waiter came bringing in Michelle’s breakfast. After a few minutes, his order also came.
Michelle was about to comment that she only ordered one serving of the blueberry pancakes and the glass of orange juice when she saw Yannick signaling the waiter to put the food in front of him. And that’s when she realized that they both had the same order for breakfast.
When the whole situation dawned on Yannick, he raised his eyes from his plate just to stare into Michelle’s face.
After a few moments of total silence Yannick asked “Uhh… Let’s dig in?” just to break the awkwardness of the situation.
“Yeah, let’s,” Michelle answered and took a bite full of her pancakes. But what Yannick didn’t know was that she was just as affected of the situation as he was. Never in her whole life had she ordered the same thing with a family member or a friend but now this devilishly handsome stranger who asked to share her table just because there’s no more vacant table available had EXACTLY the same order as her right down to a T.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
a sort of collage that i made using my pics and some other stuff

Let's start from the top L-R:
· The pic was taken last May together with some very close aunties and cousins from Cebu
· The next pic indicates my huge want to get a tattoo
· This pic was taken when me and my friends went to thebeach
2nd line L-R:
· I used the self capture on my phone to get this picture while I went to Cebu sometime last week
· This picture was taken last summer right in the comfort room of Bethel Hotel in Dumaguete
3rd line L-R:
· I took this picture 2 years ago and I fell in love with it because it captured how the light and the darkness meets during twilight, plus I’m a sucker for silhouettes
· A friend sneakily took a shot of me while I had a nap in McDonald’s after we had dinner because I was uber tired
· A crazy picture my friend took because we we’re wearing black at that event
Let's start from the top L-R:Oh Yeah!

This is what I'm going to do for the 2nd half of the year 2011. So yeah, I'm quitting the job that I have for a year now and will just focus on myself. I know that may sound selfish to some but I don't care. They haven't been in my shoes for the 1 year that I worked in an online advertising company. Nor do they have any idea what I've been through. For all the haters out there, "shut the hell up"! Hahaha!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Now thanks to you…
I’m scared to fall in love again.
First of all, you broke my heart
when I expected you to be the last one to do it.
And now I’m left with my heart broken
and in pieces and you don’t even bother to notice.
It’s sad because all along
I thought you knew me better
than everyone else….
but now I am starting to wonder
if you even knew me at all.
Sometimes you think you’ve gotten over a person,
but when you see him smile,
you suddenly realize you’re just pretending
you’re over him to ease the pain of knowing
he will never be yours.
The worst feeling isnt being lonely its being
forgotten by someone you would never forget.
if leaving is the right thing to do…
“Don’t you see? That’s what proves me right. I care the most, because if I can do it” – he shook his head, seeming to struggle with the thought – “if leaving is the right thing to do, then I’ll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep you safe.”
Sounds familiar? Well, that quote is from Stephenie Meyer’s famous vampire novel– Twilight. I like it because it follows the “i-love-you-so-much-it-hurts” formula. Not to mention the “you-and-me-against-the-world”, since Bella is a human and Edward is a vampire. Therefore making their love story impossible. And it makes me remember the fairy tales that I so loved when I was younger. You know, Snow White, Cinderella, and all those other princesses, and the ever dashing and handsome Prince Charming. Although now with the exception of Prince Charming, because my Prince Charming now is not a prince riding on a white horse but rather a VAMPIRE driving a silver Volvo. Hehehe! But honestly, I think the reason why so many girls are addicted to the book, and more with the movie, because the storyline clearly depicts what WE have always longed for– LOVE. The true love that would break all boundaries. The love that is willing to sacrifice one’s self for the other’s sake.
(Alice interrupted this time, touching my cheek with her cold fingers. “It’s been almost a century that Edward’s been alone. Now he’s found you. You can’t see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?”)
That, ladies and gentlemen, is what my reason why so many people are addicted by Twilight.
Chapter 2 - Forever With You
Michelle though that she will have yet another restless night. Not that it would still matter because she has been having restless nights from the day that she her boyfriend—or more appropriate to say EX boyfriend—kissing another girl. That is why she never noticed that just a few moments after she laid on the bed she was already off to dreamland.
However, it was another story for somebody at the other side of the island.
He didn’t know what the hell was wrong with his body clock. He indulged himself with the myriad of activities on the island not to mention the fact that he was also a little bit impaired because he passed a secluded bar on his way to the hotel. He should very well be asleep by now, but no he was still very much wide awake or his mind is. He was tired but he somehow couldn’t shut his mind down. And his thoughts… damn his thoughts! They keep circling back to the girl he saw earlier at the beach.
Every time he closes his eyes, all that he could see was the pain etched on the girl’s angelic face. He admits, he was really disturbed by the intensity of the pain that he saw. And every time that he remembers what he saw, a violent rage wells up inside him. In fact, that was the same rage that had prompted him to get drunk that night. But as it turned out, he might as well have drunk a gallon of coffee with the result that he was having.
He knew it was going to be a long night so he just braced himself for it. He made himself comfortable by crossing his arms behind his head so that it will serve as his pillow and stared at the ceiling.
He didn’t know how long he had been staring at the ceiling when a sudden thought occurred to him which made him sit right up.
Oh boy! You are in big trouble. And he scrubbed his hands on his face. He stood up when he felt the adrenaline rushing through his body because of the realization.
He stalked the room and although he may look menacing to somebody from the outside with his unruly hair and pajama bottoms—he doesn’t wear a shirt when he goes to bed—he basically didn’t care.
No! This isn’t right! This is too fast!
He felt like he was being suffocated by the feelings that are coursing through his body in the moment. He walked towards the balcony of his room, opened the French doors, and filled his lungs with sea air.
He was staring so hard at the sea, which had turned to dark blue because of the light coming from the moon, as If willing it to give him the answers to the questions that are now flooding his mind.
And because he was lost in thought, the sound of his phone’s call alert made him jump—literally.
“Good job man! That was completely idiotic!” He chastised himself as he answered the call.
“Hey, it’s me! What’s up?” The person from the other end of the line asked.
“Okay, I guess”, he still wasn’t sure if what’s happening to him is good or bad. But he figured that he’ll just cross the bridge once he gets there.
His thoughts were starting to drift away when “Are you still there?”
“Oh, uh… What were you talking about?”
“I said ‘where are you’, Auntie told me you went off somewhere but didn’t inform them where you went specifically.”
“Wait! Did my mom tell you to ask me where I went?! Jeez man! I’m old enough to do the things I wanna do. Hell! I’m even old enough to get married!” Oops! Where did that thought come from?
“Hey, hey, hey! Chill! You can’t blame your mother for wondering where in the world you went. She cares for you dude!”
With a resigned sigh he said, “I know but sometimes it just feels kinda suffocating.”
“I understand. Why don’t you just inform your family, especially your mom, so that they’ll stop worrying about you.”
“Yeah, I guess you have a point there. I’ll do it later.” And made a mental note to take care of it first thing in the morning.
“Now we’ve got that matter settled, can you tell me just where the hell you went?!”
He laughed because he could sense his cousin’s patience running out. “Relax dude! I’m in Bora.”
“So that was why you forgot to call your family, eh?” the caller said with a hint of mischief in his voice.
“Huh? You lost me there.”
The caller laughed and said, “Have you been too busy ogling and flirting with hot girls there that you forgot informing your family where you were?”
“What?!” He was suddenly on a defensive mode. “What the freaking hell are you talking about?! Just because I’m here in Boracay doesn’t mean that I’m already flirting with girls!” Oh, how we wanted to land a fist right in the center of his cousin’s face in that moment.
“Relax man! Why you so defensive?” The caller
Chapter 1 - Forever With You
“Hey Mitch! What’re you doing here? The party’s inside,” Nikole called out as she approached her friend.
But Mitch just answered with a shrug. She knew that she should answer Nikole but she couldn’t find the right words to say. So she just opted to stay silent as her friend sat down on the sand beside her.
Michelle and Nikole are co-workers in an advertising company. In fact, it was Nikole who interviewed her for her application to the said company. Michelle was good at her job until recently when she came across a turning point in her life. All of a sudden there were some “problems” with her output which have resulted to the big boss talking to Nikole –as she was Michelle’s immediate supervisor –and telling her to fix the situation.
Nikole, knowing what her friend needs, asked their boss if they can both take a leave so that she can personally oversee the situation regarding her friend. And since she worked closely with the boss, it was no wonder that she was given the boss’ consent.
And here they are Mitch thought, in sunny Boracay where the atmosphere is festive every day. The only problem that she’s seeing is that she’s here not because she wants to unwind but because she is recuperating from a broken heart. And with that thought in mind, a single tear escaped from Michelle’s eyes and trickled down her cheek.
Nikole knew for a fact that a tear fell from Michelle’s eyes and so she decided to leave her friend for a while.
“Alright then, I’ll just go back inside”, she said as a farewell to Mitch. “Just come inside once you feel like partying already, okay?”
Mitch could do nothing but to nod in return. And with a sigh she let herself travel back to the circumstances that have led up to that moment.
She had a terrible headache that day and as a result she has to cancel her date with Brent who was her boyfriend. Her parents were also not home because they went on a vacation for their wedding anniversary the week before so she opted to call Nikole. And without a doubt her friend came to her rescue—or sort of as Nikole’s remedy for headache is a good dose of shopping.
Michelle was left with no choice but to let herself get dragged to the mall by Nikole. After some time inside the mall, they both decided to look for a coffee shop so they rest their feet. As they entered the coffee shop she has some sense of foreboding but she just pushed it right out of her mind.
Nikole was busy talking about the latest collection of her one of her favorite designers who is Diane Von Furstenberg when something caught Michelle’s attention. And that was when her world turned upside-down.
Without her knowing, Michelle let out a strangled gasp.
“Mitch what’s wrong?, Nikole asked as she immediately turned to the direction that Michelle as looking at.
All the color drained out of Michelle’s face as she uttered “Let’s get out of here”, to her friend.
“What?! You’re just gonna walk out like nothing happened? Are you freaking kidding me?” Nikole was ready to raise hell.
“Let’s go. I can’t do this right now”, Michelle whispered as she hurriedly walked out of the coffee shop.
“Asshole!” Nikole managed to call to Brent in a voice that was laced with suppressed violence and managed to catch some attention before she stalked after Michelle.
When Nikole found Michelle she was leaning on the passenger’s side as if she had lost all her strength while trying to hold back her tears. Just as soon as slid inside the passenger’s seat, she let go of all the tears she was trying to stop from falling all the while.
“How could he do this to me?” Michelle burst out but she easily corrected herself and started making excuses for Brent.
“What the hell are you talking about?!” Nikole blasted! “You saw the’’ –she was about to say a very harsh expletive but decided against it because she saw that Michelle was barely holding up—“you saw that moron kissing another girl and yet here you are making excuses for him?”
“But Brent will never do such a thing to me,” Michelle replied meekly. “Or maybe that was not him but somebody who just looks like him.”
“Oh, yeah! Like his long lost twin maybe? Are you out of your mind?!” Nikole was on battle mode but when she looked in to Michelle’s eyes all that she could say was “Jeez!”
They sat in the car for a couple of minutes but to Michelle it has seemed like an eternity. When she glanced at Nikole she had her headphones on and she knew that her friend was trying to calm herself also, if only for her sake. After a while, she tapped her arm and told her that if she’s ready they can go home.
Something wet touching her toes pulled Michelle out of her reverie and she realized dimly that it was little waves that had touched the tip of her toes. The tide was rising so she decided to stand up and shake the sand particles that had clung to her dress. She couldn’t believe that it had been a month since the “incident” happened. She was pretty sure it was a lifetime ago because she had stopped feeling after that.
Michelle debated whether she will go to the bar that Nikole went or to just head back to the hotel. When she heard the music blaring and saw the strobe lights, she knew she not yet ready for places like that. So she decided to call it a night and headed back to the hotel.
Little did Michelle know that there was somebody who was observing her all the while. There beyond the shadow of a coconut tree as a man. And he stood there as she stood up from sitting on the sand and watched still as she headed back –to what he conceived to be the hotel she was staying—and disappeared into the night.