I am guilty of that crime, if you can call it a crime. I took my time, my friends, and my family for granted. I even took my writing for granted. You see, it has been more than six months since I wrote something may it be a poem, a lyrics for a song, or just a plain essay. I kept delaying and delaying thinking that I will have a time for it later or tomorrow or the next day. But the time never came.
One quote I got from Gene Simmons about writing (yeah, THE Gene Simmons from the legendary rock band Kiss) was "It's not about inspiration, it's all about hard work'. And boy was he right! If you don't push yourself, most likely you would end up having nothing. All you'd have are plans, nothing more, nothing less.
The last thing I want is to preach. But if you don't get up and make your dreams a reality, in the end all you will have are dreams.
I didn't plan on writing something right now because I don't feel like it. Hehehe! Pero ganina ra to. I was inspired by something I have read ganina. And now I can't seem to stop writing even though murag I'm not making any sense. Hahaha!
This note was supposed to be senti and emo-ish but I got sidetracked. Typical Trexie. Hehehe!

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